Help BBBike extracts

BBBike extracts allows you to extracts areas from Planet.osm in OSM, PBF, o5m, Garmin, Organic Maps, mbtiles, OsmAnd, Esri shapefile, mapsforge, OPL, GeoJSON, SQLite, text or CSV format. The maximum area size is 24,000,000 square km, or 1500 MB file size. It takes between 2-7 minutes to extract an area. The email field is required, you will be notified by email if your extract is ready for download. Please use a meaningfull name for the extract.

How to use the BBBike extract service:
  1. Now move the map to your desired location.
  2. Then click to create the bounding box.
  3. Move or resize the bounding box, or add new points to the polygon.
  4. Select a Format, enter Your email address and Name of area to extract.
  5. Click the extract button. Wait for email notification and download the map. Done!
There are several YouTube tutorials available how to use the BBBike extract service.

start extract service

Special features

Screenshots of maps applications:

Select an Area

Click a box to select an area. You can resize or move the bounding box by clicking on the box.
Choose resize or drag.

Want a polygon instead a box? First click a box on the map. Then choose add points to polygon. Click on the box on the map and add points. You can add as much points as you want, resize or move the polygon:

Here is an other example for a trip on the East Coast, from New York City to Boston. The data size of the polygon area is usually 1/2 or 1/3 of a rectangle:

YouTube tutorials

There are several YouTube tutorials available how to use the BBBike extract service for shapefiles, Garmin, PDF/OSM and SVG. The videos are available in different languages, in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Thai.

How to Download Free Trail Maps on Garmin GPS (English)

FREE World-Wide Garmin EDGE Maps // BBBike Updated Info! (English)

More Garmin YouTube videos.

Download Shapefiles of Vector Data from OpenStreetMap, 1min (English)

Download Shapefiles from which area of ​​the world / Arcgis tutorial, 1min (English/French)

How to Download Shapefile from OpenStreetMap, 2min (English)

Shapefile mapas cartográficos(Spanish)

Step to extract vector data from Web Map Service : bbbike, Shapefiles (Thai)

Tutoriel Impuls'Map Utiliser des données OpenStreetMap OSM dans QGIS, 6min (French)

Extraire les données Shapefile de n'importe quelle région en ligne (French)

Adobe Illustrator tutorial | Road infographic template design, SVG, 3min (English)

Import Streets from OpenStreetMaps, 12min (Russian)

World2Xplane Tutorial - How to build amazing overlays for X-Plane, 8min (English)

X-plane/World2Xplane OpenStreetMap, 6min (Russian)

Ortho4xp o melhor Tutorial+ World2xp e HD mesh V3, 5min (Portuguese)

Como baixar dados do openstreetmaps em varios formatos e usá-los no QGIS,115min (Portuguese)

Garmin videos

You can view the Garmin youtube videos on the Garmin help page.

Garmin OpenStreetMap documentation

Please read the BBBike Garmin custom map extracts documentation first.

There is also a OSM wiki how to install the maps on your GPS device:

Recommended tools to view or edit: QMapShack (FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, Windows), Garmin BaseCamp (MacOS, Windows)

Screenshots of Garmin styles

Routing is enabled for the Garmin maps. Depending on your device, it is possible to store more than one Garmin map (or with different styles) on your Garmin.

By default all generated Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap data will use the code page Unicode (UTF-8). However, some older devices don't support Unicode and some new devices have a broken DRM firmware ("can not unlock map"). In this special case please use the latin1 style. Garmin SRTM extracts use always the ASCII character set.

OsmAnd documentation

Recommended tools to view: OsmAnd (iOS, Android, java desktop)

mapsforge documentation

Recommended tools to view: mapsforge (Android, java desktop)

Organic Maps documentation

Recommended tools to view: Organic Maps (iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux/FreeBSD)

For iOS: you need to connect your device to your computer, start iTunes, select your device. In the left sidebar select Apps and scroll down to the the very end in iTunes until the section File Sharing appears. Select organicmaps in the left side bar. Now you can add the *.mwm file on the right side, or just drop it here.

For Android: copy the *.mwm file to the MapsWithMe folder. Depending on your device setup, the folder can be on the system partion or on an SD card.

For MacOS/Linux/FreeBSD: copy the *.mwm file to the organicmaps/data/<date>/ folder. You may need to rename the filename to match a known border poly file.

After installing the map, you have to restart the app to see the new map.

mbtiles documentation

Recommended tools to view: MapTiler Desktop, QGIS/maptiler plugin, GDAL (FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, Windows), @mapbox/mbview (node.js)

Shapefile (Esri) documentation

Recommended tools to view: QGIS (FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, Android, Windows)

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documentation

Recommended tools to view or edit: Inkscape (FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, Windows), Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Illustrator (MacOS, Windows)

Please note: large SVG files (>10MB) may slowdown or crash your browser or SVG viewer. Be carefully!

BBBike Perl/Tk documentation

File Size

The file size depends on the format. The reference format is Protocolbuffer Binary Format (PBF). The estimated size factor is:

OSM XML gzip'd2
OSM XML bzip'd1.5
OSM XML 7-zip1.6
o5m gzip'd1.04
o5m bzip'd0.88
Osmium OPL xz1.7
Osmium GeoJSON xz2.0
Osmium SQLite xz1.5
Osmium Text xz1.8
Organic Maps zip'd0.85
Shapefile (Esri)1.5
OsmAnd (OBF)1.4
Garmin Cycle0.8
Garmin Leisure0.9
Garmin OSM0.8
Garmin BBBike0.8
Garmin Onroad0.1
Garmin Ontrail0.2
Garmin Openfietsmap Lite0.6
Garmin Openfietsmap Full 0.8
Garmin OpenSeaMap0.8
Garmin OpenTopoMap0.8
SVG google1.68
SVG hiking3.82
SVG osm3.34
SVG urbanight1.14
SVG wireframe3.28
BBBike Perl/Tk2.2

Other extract services

BBBike extracts by region or sub-regions



Checksum documentation: MD5.

To generate a MD5 checksum, just run
$ md5sum file.osm.pbf

or depending on your OS
$ md5 file.osm.pbf

Supported Browsers

Any modern browser which conforms to the W3C standards:
  • Firefox
  • WebKit based browsers: Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, mobile Safari (iOS)
  • IE11 or later

JavaScript is required for Google/OpenStreetMap map features or the street name suggestion service. Cookies are optional to save your preferences.


  1. Valid values for longitude are -180 .. 180, and for latitude -90 .. 90.
  2. The email field is required, you will be notified by email if your extract is ready for download. Don't have a working email, or cannot access your email now (internet cafe)? - then please use nobody as email address.
  3. Please use a meaningfull name for the extract, to find it later on your inbox or computer
  4. Didn't get an email in a reasonable time? Please check your SPAM folder first. You can see the status of your extract requests here.
  5. The extract system runs in a shared batch mode. If there are too many request, it may take longer to process your requests. Be patient!
  6. The extracts don't contain metadata as version number, author, timestamp etc. If you need to edit OSM data, please go to the web site.
  7. The planet.osm database will be updated every week. For details look at the BBBike planet.osm mirror.

Extract Pro, Commercial Support and daily data updates

The extract pro service offers extracts with full meta data and a daily update of the database (0:00 UTC). Due the higher system load, we cannot offer this service for free.

The pro service also allows you to extract larger areas up to 48,000,000 square km and bigger files up to 1.5GB.

The Extract Pro service starts at 99 Euro/month, depending on the number of extracts, bandwidth usage and support level. Feel free to contact us if you want use the extract pro service.

Terms of Service

Map data (©) contributors.

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), by NASA, public domain.

The BBBike extract service is free of charge, for general use of end-users. There are no warranties, use it at your own risk. A fair usage policy applies. If you want use the service commercially, you may consider to use the Extract Pro service.
